Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My niece came to my house this past weekend.

I want to knit her 10 more - it's SO CUTE!!! How did I not know it would be this cute on her??

But how do I make the sleeves longer? For the life of me I can't remember which end is knit first and wether or not I can lengthen the sleeves. I knit this sweater - I know I did - but I don't remember how it works... guess that's the suprise *g*

That is so sweet! I don't think I've ever seen one actually on a baby before!! Love the button.

You could maybe pick up stitches around the sleeve edging and knit downwards, if you can't work out which bit to make wider in the pattern? I really must knit one myself so I can experience the magic first hand!
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