Friday, December 23, 2005


I’m all done with the Christmas knitting. Actually I only did the hat, my mom made the scarf. I was a little worried about finishing for a minute, but I have noticed that I am very deadline oriented; I always seem to get it done just in the nick of time. I’m am a little concerned about the blog now though – I’ve been keeping you entertained with all these Christmas projects, will I be able to keep it up?

On a different note – tragedy has struck. I’ve been in denial for a while now but I don’t think I can deny it anymore. I’ve lost my blue stripy socks. This makes me want to cry – the first non-crappy project I’ve specifically knit just for me has gone missing. I remember taking them out of the dryer & folding them. But they’re not in the drawer where the rest of my funky socks live (I like funky socks – I have a lot). They aren’t even in the drawer with the boring crowed of white athletic socks. I’ve dumped all the sock drawers and there is not a hand knitted sock among the bunch. Do you suppose the store bought socks were jealous and committed some horrific act of sockibalism? The worst thing is…I only wore the dam things once – how unfair is that?!

Well while I’m crying about my missing socks I hope you and yours have a fabulous holiday! Eat, Drink & Be Merry!! I’ll catch you on the other side! Hugs ~Jody

Me & my niece Alexis

Oh, man, J, I am really bummed for you about the socks. Do you want to take a second pair's worth of Dancing so you can replace the blue stripey ones?
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